I know I’ve been going on and on about the Challenge I’m organising starting August 30th but I just can’t help myself! I’m so excited about it!
If you’ve been hanging around here for sometime, you know what a struggle all this financial journey has been for me. One of the good things that came out of it was the creative ways I had to find to save, or simply not spend, money! It can be a pretty lonely journey if you are not surrounded by people who, either, are on the same path as you, understand what you are doing or are simply supportive of what you are trying to do! It was no exception for me (somedays are still challenging!), so every time I found something that worked I’d just do it over and over and try to keep myself motivated.
One of the things I really loved, and still do, are all the challenges I put together and that I’m constantly on the hunt for! I love finding new challenges, new ideas and new ways to keep myself motivated and hopefully motivate you too!, to save some money.
Now, it’s not my mission to tell you how to live your life! I’m not here to tell you that you HAVE to save money, that you shouldn’t use credit cards and that you definitely shouldn’t have a 30 year mortgage! Is there a reason I talk about these things? Yes. Do they actually work when you put them into practise and make a difference in your finances? Yes. But, at the end of the day, it’s up to you how you want to live your life. How you want to deal with your money. Now, it is my mission to empower you to become confident when dealing with your money (and I might try to swing you to my side of living a debt free life!!!)and decide exactly how you want to deal with all the financial decisions you are faced with.
Having said all of the above, one thing I know for sure, is that you have the power to decide if you are charging the next Holiday Season to the credit card or if you are going to cash flow it! Yes, you have the power to decide! And it’s only a small step to get in control of your finances, in control of your money!
No-one is here to judge you! If anything I’m here to encourage you to take control of your life and yes, your finances. It can be overwhelming to start thinking about our finances and debts and credit cards, but if you just pick one small thing to tackle, you’ll feel a lot better and you’ll start seeing traction straight away. So, if this is you, don’t freak out thinking about where to start or how to start! I’m being a little biased here but I think a Savings Challenge might just be the thing to boost your confidence and show you that you can do this! You can take control of your finances.
I do hope you give this Savings Challenge a chance and see how much you can achieve when you decide to go all in! And what’s the worst that can happen? Instead of charging all your Holiday gifts to a credit card you only charge half!! I mean, that sounds like a win to me!
S – The Sparkling Budgeteer