Hello! I hope your Summer is going smoothly and not too hot! Like in my neck of the woods! I’m a Fall girl and Winter enthusiast so… all this hot weather has me so tired I could just take a nap until it all goes away… I know the beach is nice but not when it’s so hot that you’d rather stay inside under the breeze of the air con!
As you know, I’ve been taking some time to reflect on what I really want out of my life. Especially how I want to show up for YOU! I’ve been working with more people who have started their journey to building the life they really want to live but… are finding it very difficult to stay on track. Why, you ask? Well, because they are going around it all wrong!
I’m also guilty of this, because I started out on this journey to get everyone excited about budgets and creating plans for their money! The reason is, when we stick to it, it works! And there are quick wins! And that motivates us to stay on track!
But to be very honest, and I’ve written exactly that in some posts, it all changed radically for me when I made the mind shift. When I started thinking about money in a different way. And now I realize that most people whom I work with have great blocks when it comes to money. They don’t have any problem making it or earning it. They have a problem relating to it and they end up “screwing“ (for lack of a better word!!!) it all up!
So, although I’ll continue to talk about money, budgets, get rich funds and other wonderful money related things, I will be talking a lot more about mindset. Behaviour and the relationship we have with money. Yes, I feel concerned by it as well because although I know what I need to do… well there are days that I don’t want to! And there are a lot of reasons for that, all of which we’ll dissect right here in the near future!
If you are new here let me introduce myself. Hi! I’m Sara, the go-to Coach for people who struggle with getting to the point of creating a plan for their money and sticking to it! so that they can feel more, be more, live more, wealthy!
I hope I can count on you to come along on this (slightly) new journey, it’s going to be a wonderful one! And remember, when we struggle with money, it rarely has anything to do with the money itself! How we perceive wealth is just as important!