I felt I should come over here and tell you about the Challenge I’m putting together for the month of May! I know talking about money, saving, budgets, debt… it all feels so overwhelming. But it really doesn’t have to be, don’t get me wrong! it’s hard but it can be done.
If you’ve been around for sometime you know my story and I know it’s easy for me to talk (now that I’ve been on the journey for almost 10 years!!! don’t forget that!) but I want to encourage you to try it. It really is life changing and to prove it to you I’ve decided to begin a little challenge to save $200 in a month! I’m putting some of the strategies I used to save money to pay off debt once upon a time. FYI I still use these when I want to buy something and I did not budget for it or I miscalculated the budget, yes that happens! And sometimes I need to go into savings to buckle the end of the month. I’m only human and life happens and I’m always grateful I have the savings to keep me out of deeper trouble.
So if you want to join the challenge, just sign up right here! Or you can sign up on the form here on the page as well, or you can go to any of my social media platforms or you can send me a DM, an email or a message and I’ll get back to you. Can’t wait to see you get ahead!!
PLEASE NOTE: If you hate having $200 saved at the end of the challenge… you can just spend it and pretend it never happened. But at least you will have learned how to do it again if you need to! 😉
S – The Sparkling Budgeteer