This week, I’ll be talking to you about starting your spending fund! What is a spending fund you may ask?? Well, it’s a sinking fund! The only reason I’m calling it a spending fun is because it’s more fun! If you are on a “spending plan” like me (aka a budget) you appreciate the little things and give fun names to all the categories you have going on with your “budget”.
Full disclosure, I think we should call things by their names and start the mental process of being good with things how they are or where they are and where they are going to be because, for me, I can use the reality check sometimes! But I digress!
So, I’m talking about this, why? Because in September I’ll be starting some fun challenges and giving you lots of printable, trackers and ideas on how to start and build your Spending Fund for the last quarter of the year! For most of us, we should’ve started this at the beginning of the year and have a “spending fund” on our “spending plan” and every month we should save a few dollars towards this… well, wouldn’t that be a perfect world???
Life happens my friend, you start the year with the best of intentions and by March your child needs braces you have to take time off of work and the whole “budget” explodes! (I know, when I do a reality check I actually call it a budget! but I’m ok with it by now!) You go to all the categories where you might have a few dollars you scrape them clean and hope, yes, HOPE, it will be enough to get you to the end of the month!
If you are reading this in the hopes of getting hot tips on how to enhance your “spending plan” that is already perfect, you don’t deviate from it because everything you plan in your life actually happens! MY FRIEND, DO I NEED SOME TIPS FROM YOU!!! It’s just never happened like that for me so… HELP! PLEASE AND THANK YOU!
For the rest of us that actually have good intentions and set goals and sometimes are too tired to manifest for 30 days straight and somehow the 29 days of manifesting don’t quite work out! (it was that last day that would bring it all together! đ )Well, we find ourselves in August or September with no money for the Holidays and hoping we don’t need to charge it on the CC (aka credit card).
To ensure that that won’t happen this year, I’m hoping you’ll join me in September! Starting August 30th I’ll be doing a 5 day launch, live on FB, to kickstart the challenges. I’d love for you to join me! I’ll be posting links where you can sign up on my social media accounts or you can just send me an email at with “sign me up!” and I’ll take care of you!
If you join the FB group The Sparkling Budgeteers Club you’ll be automatically signed up and will get all the freebies if you want to join the challenges. Remember, you might decide to do them on your own or you might decide to do one and not the other, you might decide to do them all and brag about your results! Whatever works for you!
I love these challenges because I love trying new ways to find or save extra money. However, I do understand that if you are new to this world it might seem daunting or scary to commit not knowing if you’ll actually do it. My friend, all is good, Rome wasn’t built in a day and you will probably be awesome at these challenges by your 20th challenge, or maybe not! Like with most things in life, the real progress is deciding to start, to do something to change the situation when we’re not happy! So, if that’s you, you are already a winner! Congratulations! You are awesome!
But seriously, I’d love for you to show up to the lives and learn more about the Challenge it might surprise you! I’ll see you there!
S – The Sparkling Budgeteer