If you follow me on social media you know I’ve been complaining about the crazy financial times we are living! The prices we are seeing at the moment at the grocery store. It’s insane, it’s inflation because of the war because of the strikes because… I mean it’s a never ending circle of blaming that is not going to stop anytime soon. And while governments and major forces events are happening, how are we, the commons supposed to live? I mean, prices are rising but our paycheck isn’t! … [Read more...]
How to Celebrate Valentine’s Day on a Budget!
It's February everyone!I know! Where did January go?! With goal setting, vision board creating and all the talk about inflation... here we are in February! And what a lovely month it is! Love is in the air and with that spending goes up a notch (several, actually!).That's where I come in! Your voice of reason, your conscience, your loving, nagging money person. I'm your positive thoughts Coach! Because I want you to win, I think it's time to think outside the box this Valentine's … [Read more...]
How to spend less every month this year
If you've been here and listening to the podcast, you know what I'm about to say!Every year, in January, I try to have a no spend week. What is a no spend week? Well, let me tell you about it! It's a week where you commit to not spending any money other than on needs, basic living needs. You still need to pay your bills, like rent, loans, electricity. Of course you still have to pay for gas and food. This is where it gets exciting (insert happy dance here), you are only allowed to go … [Read more...]
Why my skin care routine and your Budget perceptions
Are you curious yet? First let me tell you how glad I am that you are here to start a whole new year with me! I really appreciate you!Up until recently, I used a BB cream as my skin care routine every morning and I must say I was pretty happy with it! But, because, age, my friends started telling me that I really should have a good skin care routine because it makes all the difference! I was sold!I went out and bought four different products, a cleanser, a moisturizer, a serum for my … [Read more...]
What it’s really like working as an Entrepreneur!
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and everything in between! This is my wish to You and Your Family for this Holiday Season! Here we are again! Last year I was nervous and excited about the next chapter in my life. Working as an entrepreneur was a dream come true! I was leaving my job and embarking on this amazing, yet challenging, journey of working in and on my business full time. What a year!I have learned and grown both, personally and professionally, so much that it sometimes … [Read more...]
Creating a Sustainable Business. What now?
It’s official! The Bootcamp is over, for now! And it’s officially Christmas… Well, sort of! I want to thank everyone who went through the Bootcamp! It was a learning curve, (especially for me!) and I hope everyone felt a little stretch from their comfort zone! I know I did! Becoming Money Confident, Creating a Sustainable Business, Living More Life… it’s hard! Especially if you are doing it all alone!In the Bootcamp, because all the participants were Female Entrepreneurs, the … [Read more...]
Why you are not saving money just because it’s on sale!
Happy Thanksgiving!I do know that Canada has had its Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving is not celebrated where I live but… I do the whole turkey and pie thing, just because! We all should give thanks way more often than we do, so if we can make a feast of it, all the better, I say!If you’ve been keeping up with the updates around here, this month I’m celebrating all the amazing Women I have in my business life! I’ve been interviewing them on my podcast, The Money, W(h)ine & Cheese … [Read more...]
The Power of Podcast: Why you should have one!
I’m so excited for this month! I get to talk to you about my Podcast and why you should have one! The power of podcast is out of this world! But first things first!I hope you have joined The Miracle of Manifesting Wealth Challenge that I’m hosting with my friend Diana. If you haven’t, get on the waitlist for next month's challenge! We’ll be hosting the Challenge every month starting on the first of each month! So, don’t miss out!So, that’s one of the reasons I'm really excited for … [Read more...]
How to Manifest Your Best Life in 5 Steps
This couple of weeks I've been busy getting my Bootcamp off the grand and a thought keeps coming up for me. The thought is, how much money do we need to feel safe? To feel that we have made it in this world? That our life is awesome and it's time to reap what we have sown!Do you ever think about this? To me, that's what a Wealthy life looks like! When we feel well in all areas of our life and are free to live the life we want to live! But, what in fact does that look like? Have you … [Read more...]
Money Mindset and Miracles – Become Money Confident!
Mindset: noun. A person's way of thinking and their opinions.Simple enough, right? If only!We are permeable beings. As humans living in the world, in society, being raised by other humans, we absorb everything. From other people's ideas to their actions, we take it all in. We are influenceable. To a point that it's a challenge to have our own ideas. What am I saying, our ideas are born from other people's ideas, most of the time! But, on the rare occasion we do have a different idea, … [Read more...]