You know I love talking about creating a plan for your money. Today I want to challenge you to create a plan for your life! And what does that look like? Well, let's go over some basics, I love getting back to the basics!A lot of comments that I get are about how "money isn't everything in life!" and I don't agree! "Money isn't the most important thing in life, but it's reasonably close to oxygen on the 'gotta have it' scale." - as Zig Ziglar put it, and so well must I add!When … [Read more...]
Do you know when Christmas is happening this Year?
And just like that... it's September!If you've been here long enough, you know I love beginnings! It's always an "excuse" to start over, or simply start, that thing you have been avoiding... But this is me, always wanting to start over, re-do or begin again because I managed to go off the rails on whatever journey I was on...I love September! The weather starts cooling down (at least where I live right now!), I get back to my routines (after the Summer break!) and the most wonderful … [Read more...]
Be Grateful but Don’t Settle! So what now?!
Do you ever feel like you are stuck in a season and you really can’t see the reason? Don’t despair my friend! We all go there one time or another. That's really why I love Reset Time! Now, I know that every single day is a new beginning and we have the opportunity to reset whenever we want. But there’s something to be said about New Year’s resolutions, Mid-Year Reset. Whenever we change Seasons, especially Summer to Fall or Winter to Spring, that sends us the message that: a "New … [Read more...]
Why I won’t be talking about budgets and money anymore!
Hello! I hope your Summer is going smoothly and not too hot! Like in my neck of the woods! I'm a Fall girl and Winter enthusiast so... all this hot weather has me so tired I could just take a nap until it all goes away... I know the beach is nice but not when it's so hot that you'd rather stay inside under the breeze of the air con! As you know, I've been taking some time to reflect on what I really want out of my life. Especially how I want to show up for YOU! I've been working with … [Read more...]
Back to the basics! Take responsibility for your life!
I've been thinking! (I sometimes do that😉)I've been coaching a little more than I was coaching before, you know, guiding my clients towards a more simple but efficient way to deal with their money so that they can create the life they really want to live. I've been through this process myself and yes it does work and yes it does take some work, but it's so much worth it in the end! Why do I tell you this? Well, I've gone through the process myself, I mean, I go through the process … [Read more...]
Money is the Answer to Everything! Don’t believe me?
It's been a minute!I don't know about you but it's been a rollercoaster around here! I went away for a few days to Dublin - Ireland and yes, it was amazing! I came back home a couple of weeks ago and I had my family over for holidays and yes, it was even better! But it means that I took sometime off to just enjoy them! And I cannot think of a better way to spend the holidays than having family over and eating and drinking and taking long walks on the beach and... I mean the list … [Read more...]
Why you need a personal financial plan!
The topic this month is necessary but a bit tough! We all know we should create a plan for our money right where we are today and yet we resist it! Why do you think that is? I’ve been talking and writing about this for over a year now and I get the same responses from readers today that I got a year ago!I Know it feels so hard to get into the finances and figure out what we earn and how much we actually spend, not what we think we spend, but what we actually spend! And take notes and … [Read more...]
Is your Money controlling you?
Hello there! Thanks for being here today! I bet you are here because you decided to write that list, you know the one... what you earn on one side and what you spend on the other side of the line...When you think about money, you have to think about it like if you were on a diet! Imagine, it's May 10th and you have just been invited to go on a vacation with your friends, to the beach, at the end of the month! Lucky B! The first second thing you think is, I need a beach body! I'm not … [Read more...]
Get Control of your Money today! I Dare you!
May is here! I'm not even going to start on “where the h*** did April go?!“ because I feel I'm asking this question since February! This month I'm not actually going to be talking (writing) about a topic. Well, I am but it's one I love to talk about, money! I've had some feedback on the topics I choose to write about. Most people want to “Redesign “ their lives but it seems like so much work! Others want to get out of debt but “where to start“!!! Everyone wants a magic pill that they … [Read more...]
Create the life you want – part III
How are you feeling? Have you made progress in Redesigning Your Life this week? Was it hard to hone in on what your true beliefs and values are? Did you find yourself having to think about what someone else would think if they saw your list?If you answered yes to that last question... it's time to ask yourself another one, the “who is in the driver's sit“ of your life? You? Or someone else? This is not a core step of the Redesign Your Life journey but it sure is an important one! … [Read more...]