It’s already August and I have yet to get into summer gear!
I don’t know about you but it’s been a struggle! I mean personally, professionally and financially!!! my mind has been wandering and not focusing and that has not helped either! Have you ever felt like, when everyone and everything is kind of telling you to be mindful, give yourself grace and take time for yourself… you do literally everything except that? It’s been a struggle, I tell you!
Personally I have been in so much physical pain that I cannot just be. My back is killing me! I’m never well enough to enjoy the moment but not bad enough to want to miss out on whatever is going on, do you know what I mean? You know, bad enough that you just want to lie down in bed in a dark room! So I try to keep up but I’m never well enough to fully enjoy it!
Professionally, I’m not all in on my day job or my soon to be full time business. I blame it on the fact that I’m in pain and can’t focus and can’t do any physical chores either! So I try to read and get a few masterclasses in. I listen to podcasts and find my mind just going round and round thinking about everything else except focusing on the task it’s supposed to be focusing on!
Financially… well, where do I even start? It’s no secret to you, my friend, that I started writing this blog and creating a community around money because it was a real struggle for me a few years ago! I also became passionate about, yes, budgets, money plans, spending plans! I love to geek about all things money! So, when summer came around once again this year… you guessed it! I found myself lifting my foot off the gas… and my budget went off the rails!
There were two things I could do. Give myself grace and start over or beat myself up (metaphorically) and eventually start over again. Now, which one do you think I went for? Of course, I mean, it would be too easy to just give myself grace right?! I can’t really explain why that is but, we always take the hardest path to get to that place we know we should be at! Is it because we are supposed to learn something? Because, well, I don’t want to learn anything more this summer! I’m in pain and my work is suffering already so please, no more lessons! I know what I have to do so that my spending plan is well and I’m happy! But life happens and sometimes always it’s more important to keep your sanity and take care of your mental health than have a perfect spending plan and know exactly where those $14.83 went!
Although, in full disclosure, for me, one of the conditions I need to feel completely well, including mentally, is having my money in order. Like I mentioned before, it was a real struggle for me when debt and lack of money was my normal and with that came depression and very unhealthy habits.
This is all I have for you today, I hope your summer is going the way you want and remember: Life is good and don’t what the little things!
S – The Sparking Budgeteer