If you are on my email list you’ve already heard about London trip, if you aren’t maybe consider subscribing, it’s a fun quick read that foes out once a week. So, about that trip, I was there to catch up with my business besties, as we do each year. That was a lot of fun! While there, we went to an event by Suzy Ashworth called Infinite Receiving Live. It was life changing for me to say the least. I stepped fully into my best life.
You see, I’ve been very overwhelmed with all the things that I need to do in and for my business to get noticed so that I can make more and more money. I found myself surrounded by amazing people at this event, wanting to do just that and I felt a little ashamed that that wasn’t my goal.
I want to really live my best life by being intentional, taking care of my finances, my health, with big focus on mental health, and my family. I want to show up here fully present, raw and authentic. And I can’t do that by trying to becoming someone who I am not. By trying to sell affiliate products and programs I don’t believe in or writing about things I don’t care about.
To show up authentically, and believe me I’ve always tried to do just that, and to inspire you to live your best life, I need to take care of me, be comfortable in my skin. I can’t be telling you that you are awesome if I don’t believe I’m awesome, that’s the main reason I stopped enjoying coaching.
I was listening to a training the other day and the main topic is that we shouldn’t try so hard to be someone we’re not so that we attract people we want to work with… and it all started to make sense. I started out talking about my journey, about everything I did to pay debt, create a budget, what worked and what didn’t.
I still love talking about all of that, but I’ve grown, I also started my own business, I left my day job, I’m living my best life and I want to talk about it. My failed attempt to do just that is my Youtube Channel, https://youtube.com/@moneywhineandcheese?si=hTQbmvDIITpCzCQ0 where I wanted to document this year of my life. I wanted to try out gardening, I confused my love for watching gardening shows like this one👇 with actual gardening!!!
I want to let my creative juices flow without the need to hide that, while I’m a coach and I love talking about all things budgeting, I also spend way too much money buying craft supplies and when their not in the budget I sometimes sell stuff so that I can afford to buy more supplies. And sometimes I go over budget!
I want to be able to share all of this and not be afraid that I will be judged or people will not take me seriously when it comes to me teaching about money. I want to share with you my awesome vacations on a budget and the dinners that cost more than that vacation. But above all, I want to inspire you to start living your best life today, starting exactly where you are and keep on growing to the next tier and the next and the next.
Got to meet my idol Denise Duffield-Thomas and my inspiration for a keyless life!!
It’s a lot easier to control your finances when you are approaching them from a place of abundance, where you are already feeling good about the life you have and seeing all that you can accomplish. Because if you approach them from a place of lack, of despair, impotence, you won’t make progress and start feeling even more overwhelmed.
Create your best life today, approaching it from an abundant perspective, wanting more but being grateful for what you have right now. Love yourself and take care of yourself and let everything else around you start to shift.
Are there going to be challenges along the way? Hell yes! But they will be there no matter your state of mind so you might as well be open to change and to positivity. This might be a good place to start!
If you are here because you want the core, hard way of getting out of debt, I’m sorry I’ve mislead you. But if you want to try this way, then stick around you might just love what you discover!