Are you curious yet?
First let me tell you how glad I am that you are here to start a whole new year with me! I really appreciate you!
Up until recently, I used a BB cream as my skin care routine every morning and I must say I was pretty happy with it! But, because, age, my friends started telling me that I really should have a good skin care routine because it makes all the difference! I was sold!
I went out and bought four different products, a cleanser, a moisturizer, a serum for my eyes and a serum for my face! After spending what seemed like hours listening to the very charming sales lady explaining why those were the right products for me, I paid the small fortune asked and walked out feeling… Well, this is where the tricky part starts, I felt good I could afford them, I felt bad because they were so expensive and I didn’t know how I felt about the fact that I NEEDED all of those products so that I could just look the same, if that makes sense!
Simplicity is the key!
So, Why my skin care routine and your budget perceptions are the same? Well, let me explain. You see, for years, I used one cream in the morning and I was pretty happy about it, but somehow, I felt like complicating my life, the amount of time it takes to put on all the products and a foundation and mascara and… you get the picture, was the right way to go! And that’s why most of my clients and audience don’t budget, because they complicate their life!
Everyone thinks that, to create a budget, you need a new planner, an app, new coloured pens, charts… when all you really need is a piece of paper and a pen. But by getting excited with all the things, we also get overwhelmed and give up after a couple of days because it’s too much for us to keep up with!
Organizing your Life through Decluttering
Now, don’t get me wrong, I will get that skin care routine going (as soon as I figure out why I’m having an allergic reaction to the products!!!) and I love coloured pens and charts, but it’s not for everybody! It will take sometime to figure out which style of budget best suits us and we will have to tweak it. But I’m here today, the first week of the year to tell you that it’s so much worth it! You can do it and I dare say you cannot afford to do it!
I created a Checklist that will help you get there through organizing and decluttering, not only your physical space and your mental space but also your finances! How amazing is that? AND you can believe me when I say it’s unbelievable the peace of mind this will bring you! And what better time to tackle your whole life by actively taking action and getting results straight away, than today?
“No one is coming!” – Mel Robbins
There are two days out of the year that you can do nothing about, tomorrow and yesterday, so Today is the day to take action. What I don’t want is for you to live year after year on autopilot. I want you to live your life’s purpose on purpose and that is only going to happen when you take action! I can fill this post with quotes that reinforce that, but, at the end of the day you need to take action. It’s up to you, like Mel Robbins says – “No one is coming”!
If you are still reading, maybe I said something that clicked for you? Or was it Mel?? Well, that’s another thing I want to tell you. Maybe I’m not your person, maybe you don’t see me as the person that can help or support you on this journey! And that’s ok, but promise me you’ll find someone that will be that person for you. Find that person that will motivate you to move and change what needs to be changed in order for you to start living your life’s purpose. The happy, peaceful life you aspire! You can read more about that here!
And with that my friend, I will leave you and let those last words be my wishes for you this New Year! If you decide to stay you know you can reach me by leaving a message or emailing me. I will be honoured to walk this journey with you!