Well, never thought I would be writing a post about this! Yet, here we are! If there ever was a reason to live debt free, this is the one that really counts! at least for me and right now… can you guess why?!
Now, if you’ve been here long enough you know that getting out of debt and living without debt is one of the most important things. I usually talk about the freedom it gives you to spend and to live. But this last couple of weeks I found (the hard way) another very valid reason to get out of debt before perimenopause!
Did you know that when you hit that age of change, yet again, you become the Princess you never knew you were? Did you know that chances are your eyebrows ned their own shampoo and you adopt the seven dwarfs’ personalities all at the same time? Yes, simultaneously! Suddenly, even drinking is out of the equation because you develop an intolerance to alcohol and caffeine. You are constantly blotted and one day your clothes fit you and the next they don’t!
I don’t think I can take it any longer!!!!
I know it’s inevitable and I’m a lucky woman for even going through this phase… But I’m not happy! Oh boy, am I not happy! Do you know how much a shampoo for eyebrows costs? I can tell you! Or how many times you want to have a drink to “destress” only to remember (sometimes when the wine is already in the glass) that you can’t because you’ll feel sick and your face will become red and your skin will feel like it’s burning… (sigh!) And I’m still waiting for the hot-flashes that I was kinda looking forward to seeing that I’m mostly cold all the time… but I guess I get to skip that part… seeing I have all the other parts NO ONE ever told me about!
But I digress (I hope you can’t tell I’m not happy about this!)!
So you might think that not everything is bad, seeing you’ll give up drinking alcohol and coffee… you’re sure to save some money there! No. You have to take medication because your stomach hurts all the time and the doctor tells you it’s “probably” stress because of all the changes that are going on. You need to take supplements to not go crazy and make everyone around you crazy too! If you don’t take them, you’ll find yourself crying with anger that suddenly turns into sadness and meanwhile you forgot why you started crying…
You need a lot of money to go to the doctors, all the doctors, that take care of the different “parts” of you! And they may or may not make you cry and then you feel silly and then you feel angry and then you become sad… see where this is going? Can’t remember why I started talking about this in the first place… OH Doctors! Yes… and then you have to buy all the medication which is not cheap. And they have the audacity to tell you that the belly fat, it’s not because you ate a lot that you have a belly, it’s because you are a woman and you need to exercise to get it off! Come on!!! Guess what? You have to pay to go to a gym!
You should get out of debt before perimenopause because
if you have to go through all these changes, you really don’t want to have to get even more stressed about your financial situation. I know I’m kind of joking about the whole situation I’m going through (I’m really not!) but the reality is, I wouldn’t be able to afford all of the supplements and gym memberships or apps or whatever to keep my sanity and the belly fat off the belly! By the way, I live in a country where we have state health insurance and private health insurance!
I know it seems like a First World problem but it’s just another perspective for you to think about! If you can unburden your plate so that you can live a more peaceful perimenopause, do it. I’m not being dramatic here, I’m just telling you what it’s like for me and how grateful I am that I can at least afford all of the things I need without having to choose between food, paying rent or going to the gym (by the way, that’s still a maybe… I don’t think the gym is the answer for me… did you know that you have to walk 20km 3 times a week for it to be considered a good exercise to lose weight?! You can’t see it but my eyes are rolling right now! I’m going to try and manifest a belly without the fat first and see where that takes me!)
The moral of the story is…
If you are still with me, reading I mean, consider doing something today that will get you to a better financial place tomorrow, the small decisions count too! The moral of this story is that, you never know what tomorrow will look like, so if you can do something that at least you’ll know you did what you could to make tomorrow better… I think you are on the right track! Keep going! You got this!